This year Asia Pacific Shelter Forum was held in Lombok Indonesia on August 2019 combined with National Shelter Conference hosted by the Ministry of Social Affairs with coordination support from IFRC. The forum brings together shelter practitioners from, and/or working in the region to share ideas and lessons learned on humanitarian shelter and settlement initiatives and programs which aims to build stronger community of shelter practice across the region.
Included in the event is a full day field visit to earthquake affected areas in Lombok to observe and discuss progress and challenges in post-disaster recovery and reconstruction in urban areas.
Attended by approximately 140 participants from the region, and 13 out of 140 participants are CRS and Caritas representative. Nine (9) CRS staff from 5 Country Programs such as Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal and Philippines; two (2) staff from Caritas Bangladesh and two (2) S&S HRD staff had participated the forum. All CRS and Caritas staff presented at different sessions bringing a lot of credit to CRS.
The forum allowed time for discussions on six (6) thematic sessions such as:
- Flexible cash in shelter programming
- Improving response when we have low sector capacity
- On-going challenge of transitioning from emergency to permanent
- Localization and nationalization of shelter response
- Addressing house and land, security and tenure, and
- Retrofitting bracing and physically reducing risk
An “open space” was also allocated for participants to nominate topics of interest followed by vibrant discussions and debate about the selected topics.
After the event, CRS and Caritas staff had debrief and reflect; each one sharing their observations, learning experience and takeaways from the forum.